Loot ho, pirates! Play and earn yer way to becoming a Pirate Lord! The $CNC Play to Airdrop event, hosted by the Kapital Foundation, is now underway!
Play Captain & Company on any device on capnco.gg.
Captain & Company’s Early Access Prelaunch patch will be rolled out iteratively over a multi-week period (read here), which will culminate in Captain & Company listing on various high-traffic game stores potentially including names like Steam, Epic Games, Google Play, the App Store, Telegram, Discord Activities, and maybe more!
At the same time, the core economic component of Captain & Company will come online - the $CNC token!
A Shared Pirate Spirit
In contrast to many P2A campaigns, the $CNC airdrop campaign is focused on empowering community contributors to design the game they want to see. We’re opening the floodgates to your participation and ideation around crafting the greatest community-driven pirate MMORPG ever.
We mean this in a big way. As you’ll read below, both the $CNC token and the Community Polls system are designed to allow you (the players) to actually influence the outcome of game development. Throughout this Early Access Prelaunch patch, we’re establishing all core systems that we believe are critical for an MMORPG to succeed, and we now open the doors to you to design the future of Captain & Company.
This also means that you should continue to expect rough edges, as we will need to work quickly to implement community feedback. Uncouth scallywags will not be tolerated in our servers, as it’ll take a full fleet of passionate pirates to make landfall. Our developers below deck are small but mighty, so blow some positive wind in their sails!
$CNC Token
The $CNC token, created by the Kapital Foundation, is an extremely unique community-centric digital asset that gives players even greater voice in the Captain & Company ecosystem, as well as access to extensive discounts and purchasing power.
The tokenomics of $CNC are robust and straightforward.
100% of the token supply is committed to community nodes, which will emit over 4 years, designed to be similar to the way Bitcoin actually works.
100% of ETH used to purchase nodes is committed back to the public $CNC-ETH liquidity pool, effectively helping secure the liquidity floors.
There is no pre-mine or pre-allocation of tokens to the team or investors, all team members and investors will participate in the sale on their own.
The $CNC token has immediate utility in the live game and is used for all premium purchases and on-chain crafting costs. Every item in the game is looted and crafted on-chain in our MMORPG.
Participating in the C&C ecosystem is a double-efficiency farm ($CNC + mXP), as players also gain exposure to farming Abstract XP. mXP is earned specifically by playing Captain & Company through in-game or idle mission tasks. It reflects your overall participation in the game and converts into a certain amount of Abstract XP.
The in-game utility of $CNC builds on other successful gaming currency models, driven primarily by actual user demand and tied to bonding curves for all assets:
$CNC can be deposited into the game as a premium currency, nuggies.
That currency (nuggies) is used to pay all crafting fees.
All in-game marketplace transactions are denominated in that currency.
Players are granted voting power proportional to their $CNC and nuggies.
This implies that $CNC is the most direct unit of value inside of the Captain & Company ecosystem, as its utilization is explicitly tied to the volume of activity within the game itself. Furthermore, as there is no pre-mine of the supply, and 100% of such supply will be created by the nodes operated by holders, this is a truly fair launch gaming token.
For holders of $KAP, additional details around its role in the node launch will be explained closer to launch. The KAP Games whitepaper has already been updated with some of the details, importantly that $KAP will be a valid currency to be used in the upcoming node sale, and burned when used. More specifics later!
How to Earn the Airdrop
Players earn the airdrop by navigating to their https://kap.gg/profile page and completing the quests listed there to earn Airdrop Points (AP), which grant players $CNC nodes each time they complete a full AP experience bar. These non-transferrable node license NFTs will be sent out at approximately the same time all other node license NFTs are sold and sent out, to ensure a fair community distribution.
Players earn AP by:
(50% of AP) Playing Captain & Company. Players can simply farm AP by finishing quest objectives, destroying mobs, and hunting down other players!
(35% of AP) Stake or Hold NFTs. Players can passively farm AP by staking at https://kap.gg/staking or by holding our Ship or Skellie NFTs!
(10% of AP) Contribute to Development. Creative players can propose lore, design features, write Wiki articles, and create tutorials to earn discretionary AP! Send your ideas in the #worldbuilding channel in our Discord.
(5% of AP) Rep Your Community. If you’re a member of certain partnered communities, you also earn passive AP daily! In addition, we measure all wallets’ “diamond handed-ness” and grant some amount of AP to certain quality players just for being good web3 citizens.
Most importantly, refer other users! You’ll earn 5% of all the AP that they earn, and you’ll earn 5% of all in-game rewards they earn, forever! Refer enough users and you’ll capture all the benefits of playing Captain & Company without ever having to fire a single cannon shot. True piracy, yarrgh!
The airdrop campaign will consist of four different phases that match the Early Access Prelaunch roadmap (see blog here), each potentially as short as a week or as long as a few weeks, pending both development time and market conditions. Our buccaneers below deck estimate it may be as little as a month or two out, though, so each week is precious time to gather up as many nodes as possible!
What Are Nodes, How Do They Work?
Nodes are user-operated servers that perform some amount of computational work on behalf of a distributed network. As Captain & Company is a fully on-chain game, there is the possibility that at some point in the future such nodes may be responsible for running the actual on-chain game logic elements of C&C.
From a user perspective, the most important things you need to know are:
All $CNC tokens are created by running nodes
You will be able to run the nodes yourself in a simple script on almost any device, or use our partner Nodeops.xyz to run your nodes automatically
You will be able to stack many node licenses in one node server
The team will participate in the node launch sale alongside players to purchase their own nodes for ecosystem rewards
Note that recent Twitter discourse around nodes has been mixed, as many projects have chosen to release only a fraction of their token supply to their nodeholders (e.g. 10-15%). We are dramatically different. 100% of token emissions are going to nodeholders in what will become web3 gaming’s first fair launch node drop.
Distributed ownership via computational commitment is foundational to the crypto space, and both BTC and ETH are founded on similar precepts. Over time, the nodes support stronger decentralization of the network and a commitment by participants to support the project’s computational requirements.
More details related to the node launch sale will be released closer to that time!
Community Polls
Captain & Company is a fully community-driven MMORPG that directly implements player feedback and game direction via a polling system modeled after similar community-driven MMORPGs, like Old School Runescape. Participating in a vote and proposing a winning vote are two ways to earn the “Contribute to Development” pile of AP listed above.
Polls are proposed in the #worldbuilding channel in Discord and then formally voted on via Snapshot. Polls will be created when the community, through open dialogue and debate, autonomously pushes forward an idea for a vote. Polls will later be conducted in-game via the Polling Booth, which will be added later.
Votes must pass a 70% threshold of affirmative votes to be deemed successful and incorporated into the engineering roadmap.
Voting Chips and Player Classes
There are two voting classes in Captain & Company:
Players, which include any user that earns any type of in-game loot or reward.
Asset holders, which include any user that holds nuggies or $CNC.
Each time a poll is hosted, all users are issued “Voting Chips.”
Every player who gained at least 10k XP in the month preceding a vote receives 100 Voting Chips, which will be 2/3 of total Voting Chips.
Asset holders as a class are allocated 1/3 of the total Voting Chips, and every asset holder receives voting chips proportional to the value of their owned assets.
This strikes a balance between allowing smaller users to express their opinion while still valuing the important position that asset holders occupy in the game economy.
Scope of Allowable Polls
There are certain feature requests that our engineering team will not be able to implement in a short enough period of time to make them worthwhile for the community to pursue. These include:
Land-based combat
Boarding enemy ships
Swimming between ships
Other features the team deems to be out of scope
Participating in the community polls allows players to directly guide the course of feature prioritization and craft Captain & Company into the pirate MMORPG they want to see. Contribute your ideas to the #worldbuilding channel and earn AP and have your name etched into history forever!
Community Wiki
The majority of the data for the game will be stored in a community wiki hosted at wiki.capnco.gg. All players are invited to constructively contribute to maintaining the data stored there as Captain & Company expands into a global MMORPG. The players who are tasked with overseeing this maintenance are called Sages, and given a special role in the Discord.
You can earn AP for your contributions to the wiki when they are approved by a Sage. Reach out to a Sage in our Discord to learn more about contributing.
Concluding Remarks
The Captain & Company airdrop campaign is unique with a purely community-driven fair launch gaming token powered by a user-operated node network, with tokenholders and players jointly gaining the ability to directly govern some level of development direction of the game itself.
This patch marks a historic landmark where Captain & Company becomes a truly fully on-chain MMORPG that will bridge the gap to web2 audiences via the standard game stores, and our buccaneers below deck can’t wait for you all to become a larger part of it!
Find fortune, foes, and friends for life in Captain & Company: the ultimate pirate MMORPG. Set sail with friends into epic naval battles with massive multiplayer crews, and pillage your way to becoming the wealthiest pirates on the high seas.
Make sure you join our Discord and claim your exclusive roles! You’ll have access to private channels only shared with other Captains and the devs o’ the Goldcoves themselves. Plus, if you have 25 or more ships, there’s a set of channels rumored to be hidden to all except the greatest of Admirals… conquer on, pirate!